baseURL = '' languageCode = 'en-us' title = 'A blog you may find useful' theme = 'hugo-bearcub' author = 'Admin' enableRobotsTXT = true [menu] [[menu.main]] identifier = 'blog' name = 'Blog' url = '/blog/' [[menu.main]] identifier = 'git' name = 'Git' url = '' [[menu.main]] identifier = 'contact' name = 'Contact' url = '/contact/' [markup] [markup.highlight] lineNos = true lineNumbersInTable = false # This allows Bear Cub to use a variation of Dracula that is more accessible # to people with poor eyesight. For more information about color contrast # and accessibility, see noClasses = false [languages] [languages.en] title = "A blog you may find useful" languageName = "en-US 🇺🇸" LanguageCode = "en-US" contentDir = "content" [languages.en.params] madeWith = "Made with [Bear Cub](" [params] # The description of your website description = "A blog you may find useful" # The path to your favicon favicon = "images/favicon.png" # These images will show up when services want to generate a preview of a link # to your site. Ignored if `generateSocialCard = true`. For more information # about previews, see and # images = ["images/share.webp"] # This title is used as the site_name on the Hugo's internal opengraph # structured data template title = "A blog you may find useful" # Dates are displayed following the format below. For more information about # formatting, see dateFormat = "2006-01-02" # If your blog is multilingual but you haven't translated a page, this theme # will create a disabled link. By setting `hideUntranslated` to true, you can # have the theme simply not show any link hideUntranslated = false # (EXPERIMENTAL) This theme has two options for its CSS styles: "original" and # "herman". The former is what you see on Bear Cub's demo (an optimized # version of Hugo Bear Blog), while the latter has a more modern look based on # Herman Martinus's version of the Blogster Minimal theme for Astro. themeStyle = "original" # (EXPERIMENTAL) This theme is capable of dynamically generating social cards # for posts that don't have `images` defined in their front matter; By setting # `generateSocialCard` to false, you can prevent this behavior. For more # information see layouts/partials/social_card.html generateSocialCard = true # Author metadata. This is mostly used for the RSS feed of your site, but the # email is also added to the footer of each post [] name = "Admin" # Your name as shown in the RSS feed metadata email = "" # Added to the footer so readers can reply to posts